28 September 2010

What's On This Week?

Well, I'm officially tapering! It's so nice to be done the long runs - the only one on the horizon is a 16km (at race pace) at the end of the week. I'm unusually calm about the race right now which is kind of freaking me out in it's own way. Ask me again in a week how I feel and I will have probably changed my mind...

We're going up to my in-laws in the Okanagan this week as Colin's on vacation. It'll be a nice 4 day getaway to do nothing but eat, sleep, run (a little) and buy fruit. I don't really need 20lbs of apples or pears, but when it's $6 for 10lbs or $7 for 20 it's a shame to turn it down. I'll just have to convince Colin to make more pies!

I won't be posting while I'm up there so here's one last plug for my CSN contest. It's $40! You can enter here until Thursday at midnight PST. The winner will be announced on Friday... it'll start someone's October off right.

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Yay for tapering! Have fun in the Okanagan

  2. Have fun on your mini vacation! :-)

  3. being away is just what you need for taper time, enjoy!



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