01 March 2011

February By The Sub-Par Numbers

I blame it on the short month.*  I finally took a good look at my printed schedule and was kind of shocked to see all the red x's marking the work-outs that I didn't do.  I've had bad weeks before during training, but I think this is the first time I've had a bad month.  I will be very happy when Daylight Savings Time starts so that there's more light!  

Total Kilometres/Miles: 144.96/90.07

Long Runs: 4 (every Sunday; lengths ranging from 14.5km to 26km)

Runs Missed: 7 (3 of those I consider optional runs, but the other 4 really should have gotten done.  Ugh.)

Core/Strength/Stretch Planned/Completed: 16/5 (31% - geez that's horrible!  Guess what I'm focusing on this month?)

Push Ups: 230 real.  Proud of myself, but at the same time should have been 568 (see above).

Time Spent Running: 17.35 hours.

Here's why March is going to be so much better:  
  • I finally figured out how to get to group run on Wednesday nights which means that I'll be getting all of my hill training and speed work in this time around.  
  • I need to get back up to 4 days/week so that I'll have a remote chance at making my mileage goal for the year.
  • My birthday is on St. Patrick's Day!  And I get to celebrate it with a 10km run since it's clinic night. 
  • I don't want to have a post like this at the end of next month... 60 days until marathon #2 so I'd better get my butt in gear.

*I know full well that I had an off month.  Probably best to admit that it was laziness brought on by a lack of desire to go out in the rain, dark, or with Spud.  Apparently I can talk myself out of ANYTHING!


  1. I just found your blog and can't wait to read more! Your month still looks impressive to me :) Happy birthday month!

  2. Running in through the winter is hard! I totally understand. Here's to a better March for the both of us!

  3. I still think running 90 miles in a month is unbelievable! Good job. Hope you're closer to reaching your goals in March.

  4. 90 miles is still great!

  5. I don't think it is too hard to talk ones self out of running in the cold and dark or with a stroller... I'm right there with you. Bring on spring and daylight savings!

    That is still a lot of push ups!



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