09 June 2011

Three Things Thursday

1.  Where have I been, you ask?  Mostly just reading other blogs.  It's not like I've been out of town or anything.  Just kind of blog lazy.  I haven't been running much since I don't start half marathon training until next week so there really hasn't been much to say.  

2.  I think my blog stats are messed up.  I went from having about 5-10 pageviews to having 151 yesterday.  The weird thing is that they're coming from blogs I read, but they haven't linked me anywhere.  Not that I mind my stats getting skewed.  It makes me feel more popular than I actually am...

3.  I've almost completed my entry for Nuun's Hood To Coast contest.  It's taken me a week, but I hope to submit it tonight.  I think (and hope and pray) that I actually have a shot at making it!  For those of you who don't know Hood To Coast is a 197-mile relay in Oregon.  I'll post about it once it's sent off.


  1. lol yay for skewed stats! I'd love it if mine told me I was more popular than I actually am.

  2. I like skewed stats! haha. If only someone would skew the comments section... that would make me look like Ms. Popularity!

  3. I am so behind on reading blogs! grrr. I feel bad because I get comments from people and get so behind and not comment back :(



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