07 April 2011

Three Things Thursday

1.  I'm finally getting a run in tonight.  It'll be my first since Sunday (shh, don't tell my running friends...).  It's not that I don't want to run.  I'm a stay at home mum so I have the time.  I just have ZERO motivation to run when I have to do it on my own.  My running partner cancelled on Monday since her little guy was sick.  Totally understand that!  But I just couldn't drag myself and Spud out in the pouring rain.  Tuesday... rain again.  Wednesday... no rain, but when I have a speed workout on the schedule I know it won't get done if I'm pushing +60lbs.  Lots of self-defeating thoughts this week.  In case you're wondering why I don't just go out on my own in the evenings Colin was working late all those nights (I'll spare you my thoughts on that).

2.  My final 32km/20mi run is on Sunday!  Hip hip hooray!  And Eek!  That means taper is just around the corner... oh, and a little 42.2km run too.

3.  Spud made me this sculpture this morning:

He keeps making me "presents" for my birthday that I have to leave on my bedside table.  Unfortunately we have a bit of a timeline/3 -1/2 year old logic issue.  My birthday was on 17 March.  However, he keeps thinking that it's coming up because my mum didn't make me my usual birthday cake.  Yes, I have had the same 3 layer chocolate cake made for me every year since I was about 5...  I tried explaining that I won't be getting presents again when we finally do have the cake, but he doesn't really get it.  So, until we have cake, I have a feeling Spud will be giving me lots of hand-made gifts and yelling, "Happy Birthday Mummy!  Here's your present!"


  1. I love that you are an awesome runner but THRIVE on having running partners and struggle to do it alone. I thought it was just me because I'm so "not a real runner" - but you are a real runner and you have the same struggle I do - thanks for sharing!!!!

    Your "gifts" are absolutely precious!

  2. Cute present! Last long run for me too this weekend, but I'm in denial. I'm scared to taper this time around for some reason.

  3. I'm with you on the motivation to get out and run while it's pouring. Bleh. I see nothing wrong with celebrating your birthday every day... as long as you don't have to keep aging and you keep getting such sweet gifts. :)

    Enjoy that last long run and don't let "taper madness" get you. :)

  4. @Wells L - Thanks so much! It's taken me a very long time to see myself as a "real runner". I have my good days and bad days, I walk some of the time (on purpose), I'm probably a little too lazy, etc. If you're getting out the door you ARE a real runner. Don't let anyone (esp. yourself) tell you otherwise! You totally made my day! :)

  5. Your son is so sweet! Who doesn't love a million birthday presents :)

    Hope you have a nice run!

  6. The weather kills my motivation to run



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