02 February 2011

A Belated Thank-You!

Last week I received an awesome package in the mail.  It was my prize from Kevin at Half TRI-ing.  I had found out and told him the name of a toy he had when he was a child.  As a parent I cannot believe anyone would even have let it in their house - click here to see what I mean.  To reward me for my investigative skills effort he sent me a hodge-podge of fun stuff.

Now, I'm pretty sure that it was just free food from races, but it doesn't matter.  I got a GU two days before I needed one so I didn't have to fork over the $2 myself!  I'm also sure that they didn't look quite so "used" when they were sent (right?).  I guess the Posties don't give too much care to what's in a bubble envelope... it made everything look kind of like it had been kept in someone's back pocket.

Snickers Marathon Bar, Strawberry Clif Shot Bloks, Forze Energy Bar,
Vanilla Bean GU, HS Extreme Energy Drink, Chamois Butt'r*
Kevin drew me a cool thank you as well:

* The Chamois Butt'r is NOT food!  More like BodyGlide for your bum...  I don't ride a bike, but I'm sure it'll work just as well for chafing from my socks...


  1. This is funny....his throw back post. And Kevin is quite the artist...so cute. :)

  2. That is so funny you knew the name of that toy! I had one fo those too!

  3. The shipping was not so kind to the contents. :-( I hope you got some use from the free stuff and enjoyed the "artwork."




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