23 December 2010

Three Things Thursday

1. THE GOOD: ran with two friends today.  Wasn't the speediest run - covered 8.43km in roughly an hour - but had Spud in the stroller.  I got a break for a little while when Jenn offered to take over.  It was very much appreciated!

2.  THE BAD: my hip flexor still hurts.  And, really, I'm not surprised since I've done nothing to help myself.  I really need to get off my ass start stretch and strength exercises.  I need to work on my core too.  I know my posture is atrocious if I'm pushing Spud.  Good thing New Year's resolutions are coming up!

3.  THE UGLY: I have to go to work tonight.  Night crew.  10:30pm - 7am.  I work for a large sporting goods retailer as sales support.  That means I get to help with Boxing Day ad prep and set up (I get to work Boxing Day too).  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. awww you are now getting a big tight virtual hug from me. Hope you feel better soon. =)

  3. working at night :( that's no good!

  4. ooo working boxing day must suck! I am not sure what I will be doing.... maybe hitting the malls but there is nothing I am really looking for.

  5. Hope tonight goes fast for you! Glad to hear your run went well--sorry that the hip flexor is tight :(



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