1. Spin. So I was scared of going, but once I was there it wasn't that bad. Which I knew to begin with. I guess I just don't like doing new things by myself. Who am I kidding? I know I don't like doing new things by myself. Doesn't matter if it's a new job, new activity, or meeting new people. I get all nervous and pukey feeling. Anyways, spin was fine. It was
Reason it's not me: It's cross-training. I've avoided doing anything other than running like the plague. I gave up on Jillian Michaels after one time as it hurt too much.
But in this case it really is: I actually like/love the 6am class. That is a huge shocker because I am not a morning person at all. I'd far rather stay up exceedingly late then go to bed at a normal time. However, there's something kind of cool about seeing the sun rise (and over the mountains to boot). Yeah, the studio I go to has a view!
2. Treadmill. After my less than stellar blood lactate test results we rented a treadmill. It sits in the corner of our bedroom and has not turned into a laundry dumping ground. That's for the chair that sits in front of it when it's folded up - baby steps, people!
Reason it's not me: I swore that I'd never be a treadmill runner. It just never appealed. Why run inside when I live in such a beautiful city?
But in this case it really is: Well, because I have to teach myself how to run again. And it's been a godsend. There's really nothing more demoralizing than knowing your running speed is about the same as most peoples' brisk walking speed. Running at home only allows me to only compare me to me; which is kind of what I need right now.
3. Minimal Shoes. I
But in this case it really is: Regardless of my comments above, I have been trying to be more mindful of how my feet strike, even in the Asics. And I think that I've kind of trained myself to be more of a midfoot/forefoot striker. I decided last week to actually wear my Bikilas for a walk on the treadmill. And it was great! So on Sunday I ran in them. Again, my running is slow. Which is perfect! Slow in Vibrams = no pain in legs. I was so happy after Sunday's 5km steady that I did a 6km tempo (w/1km warm up and cool down) today. I'm wearing my compression socks just to be on the safe side, but so far I'm cautiously optimistic and will most likely be wearing them for all but my long runs. I'm looking to get a pair of the Brooks Pure Cadence with my birthday money so I'll have another minimal option soon.